Fruktsamhet och barnafödande - upplevelser, tankar och attityder bland kvinnor som inte fött barn.
I min avhandling belyses existentiella och sociokulturella frågeställningar om fruktsamhet och barnafödande i det moderna samhället.
Nedan finns de vetenskapliga publikationer som avhandlingen sammanfattar.
Söderberg, M., Lundgren, I., Olsson, P., & Christensson, K. (2011). A Burden and a Blessing—Young Swedish Women's Experience of Fertility. A Study Among Women Lacking Experience of Pregnancy and Parenthood. Health Care for Women International, Volume 32 Issue 5, 402.doi:10.1080/07399332.2010.530725
Söderberg, M., Christensson, K & Lundgren, I. (2012). Childbearing - A project for future life - Swedish wmoen's thoughts on childbearing lacking experience of giving birth and parenthood. Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being.
Söderberg M, Lundgren I, Christensson, K, Hildingsson I. (2013). Attitudes toward fertility and childbearing scale: an assessment of a new instrument for women who are not yet mothers in Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13:197.
Söderberg M, Christensson K, Lundgren I, Hildingsson I. (2015). Womens’ attitudes towards fertility and childbearing – a study based on a national sample of Swedish women validating the Attitudes to Fertility and Childbearing Scale (AFCS). Sexual and Reproductive Health Care.http://10.1016/j.srhc.2015.01.002.